PODCAST: Important advice for police officers [and everybody else] for the New Year | MRC94

Important advice for police officers [and everybody else] for the New Year | MRC94



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Show Notes from This Episode

The On The Blue Line Podcast and Community has the mission of Empowering Cops in their personal lives and educating the public on the realities of law enforcement. This law enforcement podcast is focused on providing concepts, ideas, and actionable steps that can make a difference in your life. The morning roll call is a weekly monologue show with Wayne Mulder. The Interview Room podcast is an interview style format hosted by Wayne Mulder.


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In this episode:


·      A look back at some highlights from 2022.


·      A look ahead to 2023 and the OTBL Life community and changes to the Podcast.


·      We remember Kevin Casner, my friend and guest on the third episode of The Interview Room.


o   Click here to read OBITUARY.


o   Listen to the entire Episode 003 of The Interview Room with Kevin.


·      We listen to Kevin provide advice that can help all of us in the New Year.  

Happy New Year!

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-       Be sure to leave us a Rating and Review on Apple Podcasts and I will read it in an upcoming episode. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/on-the-blue-line-podcast/id1456545904

-       EMAIL me your feedback: Feedback@OnTheBlueLine.com


-       Get the eBook, “How the law enforcement makes you cynical and what you can do about it” by Wayne Mulder.

After the episode: 

On The Blue Line was founded and is operated by active-duty law enforcement to fulfill the mission of providing guidance, resources and community for law enforcement officers, first responders, and military personal in their off-duty lives.


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00:00:14:01 - 00:00:31:08

Wayne Mulder

Welcome, my friend, to the On the Blue Line podcast. I'm your host, Wayne Mulder, and this is the law enforcement podcast where we discuss topics that will empower you on and off the job, whether you're tired or frustrated, feeling overworked or struggling to balance work and home demands. Sound familiar? I know it is for me, that is for sure.

00:00:31:23 - 00:00:53:11

Wayne Mulder

Or maybe you simply need some encouragement. Well, I'll tell you what. You've come to the right place. This is the 94th episode of Morning Roll Call in the 147th episode of the podcast. And on today's podcast, we look back at 2022, we look ahead to 2023, and we remember our dear friend. If this is your first time listening, I want to welcome you.

00:00:53:17 - 00:01:17:06

Wayne Mulder

We have two weekly podcast, Morning Roll Call, which is the one you're listening today to today. However, these have been a little bit different format for the month of December because we're winding down the end of the year and there's certain topics we've wanted to discuss. We should be back to our normal style morning roll calls in which we pretty much call the news, recent events, law enforcement trends and variety of other topics.

00:01:17:13 - 00:01:38:04

Wayne Mulder

That's going to give you something to consider as you begin your week. And we'll begin those back in January. And then the other show, which comes on on Thursdays, is the interview room. And in there, I sit down with guests from all walks of life and just people who can offer something that we can learn from or we can gain some knowledge that's going to be beneficial.

00:01:38:04 - 00:02:01:21

Wayne Mulder

And yours and my personal life. If you missed last week, it was the first of two year end specials and there were nine different episodes that we went back through, going back to 2019. I find it hard to believe that we've been doing this podcast since 2019, but we go back to those early episodes. If you haven't seen them yet, you've got to.

00:02:01:22 - 00:02:27:04

Wayne Mulder

The video is hilarious. It really shows how far we have come in some ways and then is encouraging for how far we have yet to go. But it's definitely, hopefully something that you enjoy and the truths in that small compact form. And then this coming Thursday is going to be part two of that. So there'll be another series of episodes that we're going to go back through from 2019, 2020.

00:02:27:11 - 00:02:53:01

Wayne Mulder

And in a small compact section giving you something actionable for the week ahead. Both are released, if not on all on most podcast platforms. And then, of course, every episode is also available on YouTube and Rumble. Now, some of those compilation shows that I'm referring to are partially on video. The entire thing is on video, but there isn't video of some of those early interviews from 2019 and 2020.

00:02:53:01 - 00:03:15:16

Wayne Mulder

So I hope you had an amazing Christmas yesterday and got to spend some time with friends and family and loved ones. And if not, I hope that is in the future for you here in the coming days. As many of you know, if you're in law enforcement and you can resonate with maybe this was your long weekend done, so then maybe today and tomorrow are your days off if you're listening to this when it released?

00:03:15:23 - 00:03:37:00

Wayne Mulder

And if so, I hope you get a chance to be around friends and family and if not, at least take a little bit of time to decompress and to be by yourself. So this week, for the last morning, roll call of the Year. Isn't it crazy to think another year has flown by? I just wanted to recap a couple of things really quick.

00:03:37:05 - 00:03:56:20

Wayne Mulder

This is going to be a should be a fairly short episode and then we're going to get into something a little bit more serious. So really, it's been a great year. I know some of the other shows I listen to, they're doing like the top and top ten news stories of the year. The top 15. That is the last thing in the world that I want to do here at the end of the year.

00:03:57:18 - 00:04:23:12

Wayne Mulder

There is so much craziness going on. And even some of the things as I was prepping for this that have happened in the last week, it's just bizarre. But as far as this podcast, as many of you know, we had had about a year in there. So the podcast was started in 2019, but about in July of this year, we kind of had a re reemergence, if you would, after not really releasing a whole lot for about a year.

00:04:23:21 - 00:04:45:00

Wayne Mulder

And since July, I'm happy to report that the listenership has gone back up and that is 100% due to you. So thank you so much for listening and for telling others about the podcast. And with that increase, we actually are now higher than the numbers we were a year previous when we had taken a break for some things that we had going on.

00:04:45:00 - 00:05:03:08

Wayne Mulder

And you can always go back and listen to the episodes from earlier this year where I discuss what exactly was going on. So. So that's one of the good things that I want to say about 2022. Another good thing as far as the podcast has been the push towards video. We are just shy of 100 subscribers on YouTube, which I know four other YouTubers out there.

00:05:03:08 - 00:05:27:15

Wayne Mulder

That is laughable numbers. Fair enough. But we have to start somewhere and it is a long ways from where we were. So for a long time we weren't really concentrating on video. We weren't really pushing it out there that hard. And so if you're not following us there, please do so you might be the hundredth viewer or the hundredth subscriber to the viewership on our YouTube channel.

00:05:27:15 - 00:05:48:12

Wayne Mulder

So something to consider. But that's been a great change and something, again, that we've really kind of reinstituted back in July and it's been awesome to see those listener numbers going up on their in the feedback that we're getting. And one of the other highlights of 2022 was the number of viewers on some of our social media clips.

00:05:48:13 - 00:06:09:04

Wayne Mulder

We've had a few of them hit around 40,000 views and that has been pretty neat to see. And then the ripple effect from what that means for listenership and for people following the podcast on all the different ways that you can find it. So 2022 has been a great year, but as we like to do this time of year where you look back, but then we got to look forward, right?

00:06:09:05 - 00:06:29:08

Wayne Mulder

So what's new when we talk about on the blue line in 2023? Well, nothing earth shattering. I've talked a little bit about what is coming that I've been working with a marketing group based out of the UK, specifics on which I will give in the coming months. But we've been working on some things together that I'm excited about.

00:06:29:14 - 00:06:51:11

Wayne Mulder

I really the core of what we're doing isn't going to change a whole lot because the mission of what we're doing is so important when it comes to helping law enforcement officers in their personal lives. However, they are really instrumental in helping rebrand and helping me go back and say it better so that people understand what exactly we're doing.

00:06:51:11 - 00:07:18:15

Wayne Mulder

Specifically, those who haven't found the podcast yet and will in the future. So that's been an exciting process and you should start seeing some of those changes in the next few months, especially by the end of January 1st, February, you should start seeing some of those changes, maybe even some new logos and definitely some changes with social media and some of the old titles of episodes and all that fun stuff that we do on the back end that hopefully gets the message out to more and more people.

00:07:18:23 - 00:07:43:00

Wayne Mulder

But again, none of this since 2019 would be possible without you. So thank you. The other thing that is kind of ramping up in 2023 and you will start seeing more about I've only touched on a little bit and that's the oatmeal life community. I'm even changed the name, but I'm working on exactly what it want it to be named.

00:07:43:00 - 00:08:04:17

Wayne Mulder

But it's a small group right now. But if that is something, then when it comes to this idea of community, of being around like minded people, kind of a mastermind, I don't like that term. Everyone's got a mastermind these days, but Group a community of like minded law enforcement officers working on life together, not cop stuff. That's not the point.

00:08:04:19 - 00:08:33:20

Wayne Mulder

It's life stuff. It's the stuff that really matters, right? Our relationships, our goals, our, you know, all our mental health, all that. That's what this group is all about. And something I've been working on for a few years. It's essentially what the Facebook group had originally been supposed to be, and it never quite got there. So this is something that I've been working with some other people on.

00:08:33:21 - 00:08:52:18

Wayne Mulder

I've mentioned it a few times. There is some information on the website if you just go down to scroll down the home page there and you go to step four on the what to do next, you'll be able read a little bit more about it. But if being part of a community like that is something that interest you, drop me a message and whatever format works best for you.

00:08:53:03 - 00:09:16:06

Wayne Mulder

The email is on there. It's feedback and on the blue line icon or you can always DM me. I will answer most of them provided I see them. They like to disappear on me on some of these groups if we haven't connected before, but definitely try to get a message to me and if you do have an interest, I will get back with you and we can talk more about it and what that looks like.

00:09:16:06 - 00:09:39:22

Wayne Mulder

So that is what we are doing as of now. And then besides that, we've got some great guest lined up and 2023, I believe is going to be another great year and hopefully be the year that we can really push this message out to more and more people. So that being said, what I really want to do with today's episode is kind of do it in remembrance of a friend.

00:09:40:09 - 00:10:06:05

Wayne Mulder

I found out back in November that a friend of mine, Kevin Casner had passed away. You may recall who that name he was. And if you watched last week's episode where I went through the nine early episodes, I specifically mentioned I was going to skip episode three because we would talk more about that today. Well, this is why because in episode three of the interview room, Kevin Kastner and I sat down.

00:10:06:06 - 00:10:38:02

Wayne Mulder

He actually was down in Florida, and I was able to meet him in the Clearwater area, a beautiful hotel overlooking the Gulf. I mean, it really was an amazing experience all the way around. And we got to sit there with our headsets on and have a great conversation about life. Looking back, he had been diagnosed with cancer at the time and had was battling at that point and had been in a battle for several years and just really a very strong person.

00:10:40:01 - 00:11:09:07

Wayne Mulder

And I think that and I, I consider Kevin a friend, a good friend. I got to know him because he was actually really close friends with one of my closest friends. So it was kind of a secondary relationship is how it formed. And I got to know him a little bit better and they had his celebration of life recently and I was unable to go due to mandatory training.

00:11:09:10 - 00:11:30:20

Wayne Mulder

Unfortunately, it was something I'd missed earlier in the summer that is required in the state that I am in. And when they did the rescheduled date, you I had no choice. And it coincided with when this celebration of life took place. One of the joys of law enforcement is sometimes you have no choice but to do whatever the training or the mission is on that day, and that's just what it is.

00:11:31:08 - 00:12:02:13

Wayne Mulder

But I wanted to include this tribute as we end this year, because what we talked about in that episode, I think is very actionable advice for all of us in the coming year. So again, he was on the interview room the third episode, and he had started a men's ministry, which was kind of the basic thing that we talked about throughout our conversation called the Barn up in the Carolinas.

00:12:02:18 - 00:12:29:22

Wayne Mulder

And he was really doing some really great things for men. And in this idea of community like we just were talking about and he asked some really good questions, you know, like what is success mean to you? You know, what what is success look like? Because sometimes we get so easily distracted by what we define success or what the world defines success, right?

00:12:29:22 - 00:12:51:12

Wayne Mulder

Like what society defines success? Well, success is driving a certain car, living in a certain zip code, going to putting your kids in certain schools, maybe you attending certain schools. Maybe it's defined by clothing or defined by, you know, being able to go to Starbucks every morning or Lord knows. What was that really success? Is that your definition of success?

00:12:51:16 - 00:13:34:05

Wayne Mulder

Like at the end, if nothing at the end of it all in that moment, looking back, how do you define success? What do you define it by? Those things was A because you happen to get some certain label of clothing? I don't think so. For most people, for almost all of us, it's defined by our relationships. It's defined by personal relationships, maybe tertiary relationships, relationships of people that just moments in time, vignettes of our lives where we've been able to make a difference in their lives and we may not even know what that means.

00:13:34:16 - 00:13:53:03

Wayne Mulder

And what had happened. But years later, sometimes someone comes up to you. I recently, I think I'd mentioned it, I was within the last few months, I was in some training and someone came up to me and was like, Hey, I really enjoyed listening to podcasts and we made a difference, you know, that kind of thing. Awesome. What an amazing opportunity.

00:13:53:03 - 00:14:18:00

Wayne Mulder

And we don't even know the number of people who we have conversations with, who we talk to, who we interact with on a daily basis, whose lives have either been made better, maybe some encouragement, whatever it is, through those little things that we do. So there were some truths that came out of the end of this episode where Kevin and I were sitting down and they are all along this idea of community.

00:14:18:00 - 00:14:43:22

Wayne Mulder

So it was your calling may not be what you think it should be right? So sometimes way we think we're supposed to go down a certain road or we have this idea of what idealistic, what our idealistic future looks like, right? And maybe that isn't in line with our calling. Maybe it is in. Sometimes those desires and so forth are in our heart, and they become what we're supposed to do.

00:14:44:03 - 00:15:11:04

Wayne Mulder

But then other times they're not. So sometimes you're calling is not what we think it should be. And to that end, the point that he made was who I am quoting here, who I am transcending what I am doing. It's kind of been the basis of the whole on the blue line right. Who you are as a person, who you how you show up in the world is more important than the vocation that you have.

00:15:11:18 - 00:15:43:03

Wayne Mulder

You know, just because I serve in law enforcement doesn't mean that that defines who I am. I'm more than that. I transcend that. And then he goes through some actionable advice about having a mentor seeking friendships, not walking alone, not letting your job be what validates you and being intentional in the things that we do. And he talks about how sometimes, you know, we get in these disagreements with people and and, you know, we may not get along too well with them.

00:15:43:03 - 00:16:07:22

Wayne Mulder

And so sometimes relationships are strained. And he talks about how, you know, when you're in a mission, when you're in a battle, like when you're fighting together, those little things, they start to dissipate. In fact, it's kind of an argument I think, that I'm making right now when we talk about teaming up and working together, you know, things in society, it is the more they fall apart, those little disagreements become less and less significant.

00:16:07:22 - 00:16:32:18

Wayne Mulder

And what really matters are core issues, because we're in the same battle, just using that terminology here, we're in the same battle together, whether it's for the hearts and minds of people, whether it's for, you know, trying to salvage this country, whether it's trying to keep society safe, whatever that situation is, whatever you want to look at as your mission or battle, those little disagreements kind of dissipate.

00:16:32:18 - 00:17:14:10

Wayne Mulder

And what really matters is those core truths that hold us together. So in summary, I learned a lot from having the opportunity to sit down with Kevin on a few different occasions, and it was such a great opportunity getting to know him and getting to getting to be encouraged by him from day one of starting on the Blue Line, starting the blog, the positive feedback that he would give me and the encouragement because this is like any other pursuit, right?

00:17:14:11 - 00:17:32:16

Wayne Mulder

Any other creative pursuit. And anyone who is creative and does creative things, which a lot of us, you know, maybe it's art or music or whatever it is. One of the things I think at least I know I battle and if I'm battling it, chances are you're battling it is self-doubt, right? It's the well, this is never going to be good enough.

00:17:32:16 - 00:18:08:09

Wayne Mulder

This maybe, maybe I don't know what I'm doing. Maybe I should just stop. Maybe you're watching this now and that's your thoughts of my. That's fine. But those are internal battles that we all go through. And one thing that Kevin always did was encouraged me for what I was doing and the importance of it. And that kind of really helped me solidify this idea that if I'm reaching one person, if just one of you out there right now, just you and I are listening and I can say something where I can speak truth or encouragement into your life and that makes a difference, well, then it's all been worth it.

00:18:08:22 - 00:18:29:15

Wayne Mulder

And that truth is something that he really taught me. So I thought it would be fitting to end the year in the very last episode of well, there'll be one more episode, that's the compilation one for the interview room. But the very last episode of Morning Roll Call, where I just get the opportunity to speak freely with you and I to sit down and listen to Kevin.

00:18:30:03 - 00:18:49:09

Wayne Mulder

Take us out. So this is from episode three of the interview room, and it's only about 5 minutes long, and I just encourage you to listen to what he had to say. And if you want to go back and listen to that whole episode, you'll be linked up in the show notes. So I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas.

00:18:49:20 - 00:19:06:05

Wayne Mulder

I wish you a very happy New Year. 2023 is going to be a great year. It's going to be a great year for us around on the blue line. It's going to be a great year for you. And I just thank you so much for staying with us through this all. So without taking any more time, here's Kevin.

00:19:06:20 - 00:19:21:16

Wayne Mulder

What are those things that they should be intentional about today, that looking back, you say this, this is an important step. These are the things that I wish I would have had in place, where I did have in place that have brought me to, you know, the outlook and where I am today.

00:19:23:15 - 00:19:50:15

Kevin Casner

I think one would be the having a mentor or sage praying for that, asking for that, looking for that. I would have loved to have had that at a younger age and have a knowledge to look for it. And as I mentioned earlier, you might not agree 100% with everything this person says. They might not agree with every thing that you say or do, but it is a there's a constant in a relationship there as a as a mentorship.

00:19:51:07 - 00:20:18:03

Kevin Casner

And and it's not just it's not always just about somebody you can get something from. It's about someone that you can share things with. And I think out of that sharing, you will realize that you're going to get a lot more than you ever anticipated. I would have loved to have gotten some of this at a younger age, but I don't know what the reality of that is.

00:20:18:08 - 00:20:43:02

Kevin Casner

Having the ears to hear it. I was in the middle of making money and, you know, working hard and doing all those things and was successful and, you know, nobody could tell me anything. So it was ignorance on my own part. And you know what? That's just life experience that we all have to go through. So I don't know if there's a way to fix or circumvent that.

00:20:43:13 - 00:21:09:05

Kevin Casner

It's just that be aware of those things and seek out friendships, I think is the biggest thing to make yourself available for others. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. But there's guys that I get along really great with and some guys that, you know, just make you want to slap them, you know? And I'm sure they want to slap me and but that's okay.

00:21:09:06 - 00:21:50:21

Kevin Casner

We don't have to agree on everything. But it all comes back to when when you're in the middle of a battle, none of that stuff matters. It all dissipates. If there's a mission, if there's something to be done, guess what? Those guys are going to be there. And I've seen it happen lots of times. I think not walking alone and not letting your job or your ministry become your validating point in your life like I did.

00:21:50:21 - 00:22:23:10

Kevin Casner

It's easy to get blind that by what we see as success or something more and and you just got to ask your self the question. My brother in law used to say this Do you have it or does it have you and maybe there's a balance there. But I think that through a lot of my experiences that there are be a lot of things to change, a lot of things to do better.

00:22:24:01 - 00:23:00:03

Kevin Casner

And then, you know, starting to realize there's some things I've done. Okay. And that if people seek out friendships, seek out a mentor or sage, don't walk alone. Be intentional about it. And I promise you, it's hard. It it's actually messy. But it's a beautiful thing. There's a there's a scripture that where there's oxen in the barn, there's strength.

00:23:00:03 - 00:23:26:01

Kevin Casner

If there's oxen in the barn, you know, there's probably going to be some crap in there too. And so you got to take the good with the bad sometime. So I guess that's where I would just lead people or ask them to at least try to give some thought to it, something that's maybe a little different than what they're doing right now.

00:23:27:01 - 00:23:56:03

Kevin Casner

And some of these guys are probably doing this now. I know there's there's guys that get together and I would imagine within law enforcement that there's some pretty good friendships that have developed within their. And I think that's awesome. And if they allow themselves to get beyond the veneer and lose the ability to bullshit, I think it's a wonderful thing if you're not in that.

00:23:56:03 - 00:24:30:01

Kevin Casner

I would just ask why not and why wouldn't you want to be? Because there's a lot more available for you. And I think that it it makes us all better people. And they and, and it allows us to probably deal with life a little bit better. You know, the good, the bad, know it. And just knowing that there's some other folks there that have your back, you know, that you don't have to fight alone and that they've been through it, too.

00:24:30:01 - 00:24:45:03

Wayne Mulder

Kevin, you're going to be missed, buddy. That does it for this week's Morning Roll Call. I'll see you next Thursday in the interview room. But in the meantime and as always, I'll see you out there

00:24:45:18 - 00:25:18:10

Wayne Mulder

On The blue line.


PODCAST: Ten Ideas for Law Enforcement that will Improve their Personal Life | The Interview Room 054


PODCAST: Nine Ideas for Law Enforcement that will Improve their Personal Life | The Interview Room 053